Friday, May 30, 2008

Evacuation Plan

So hurricane season begins June 1. I have decided that my evacuation plan will be to head up to Atlanta and camp out at Kevin and Vanessa's house. I talked to Vanessa tonight and she said that would be fine and that I could even stay as long as I needed to. I am going to do a dry run, hopefully nothing will happen between now and July 4th weekend. I am going to make a driving trip up on the 3rd and ensure I know the route etc. It will be fun weekend to say the least.

I get my treadmill on Wednesday and so I have been rearranging my living room. I have taken down all the pictures that I have up and will replace with the pictures that I get from you all. Thanks Vanessa, Allison and hopefully Jane's soon. I am still waiting to hear from the rest of you.

I am going tomorrow to a craw fish boil. At work we have a lot of people that work with us but they actually are hired through contractors so they are not Corps employees. Anyway there are about 5 of them in my area that I eat lunch with etc. The company they work for is having their summer party and so I was invited to go with them. It will be fun and hot only 90° and maybe only 75% humidity. It will be a lot of fun.



AllisonK said...

It's good to have a plan. Be safe!

Michelle said...

I'm glad you have a place to go. I also think it's a good idea to go "practice". It's a good excuse for a vacation!