Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Intersting Phrases

"we can learn to respect one another's boundaries"

What an interesting little phrase! Are boundaries meant to keep us in? or out? What if the boundaries become blurred? What was once acceptable is no longer acceptable! Or wanted! Or needed!

I look at my life and I think of all the boundaries that I have crossed? Was it worth the effort? Was the prize everlasting? Did the ends justify the means? Were the boundaries set by the two of us or just by one? I will allow you in only as long as it makes me feel good! I will allow you just to see a little bit of me but not all of what I am!

"in the future we can avoid further damage to fragile feelings"

Another interesting phrase! Is it better to ignore the ringing of the phone because you know who it is that is calling? If I don't answer the phone they will get the hint that I would prefer not to talk to them! If I don't respond to emails will they understand or know that you are not respecting the boundaries I have set-up?

"We are simply different people, and that leads us to see situations quite differently"

Is this not a good thing? The world would be a very boring place if we all thought and acted the same! Can we not learn from our differences and become a better person?

Just some random thoughts... I think I will go to bed now.

Stay tuned for some more insightful blogging from "SHE WHO HATES TO WRITE"

Corps of Engineers

From an article in the local newspaper"

"Relatively small amounts of water have been leaking from the Lakeview canal levee for a year or longer, despite $24.4 million in repairs by the Army Corps of Engineers since Katrina breached the eastern floodwall in 2005."

Here is a comment posted regarding this article.

"Have they tried Mightyputty? It works on TV, fixes any leak."

I don't know about you but this just made me laugh.

No this is not one of my projects. All of my projects are on the west bank of the Mississippi river. And what I do for the Corp is process modifications etc. for the different contracts.

Just a side note. I think since I have been here almost 5 months I think I can count on my hand the number of days that an article did not appear in the news paper about something that the Corps is doing or is not doing. It kind of makes you careful when you talk to people and thy start asking about where you work. We all kind of have the bullseye on our backs.

Any way I thought you might enjoy a good laugh.

A good laugh.....

A friend sent me this picture the title was " Rare photo: Mexican Navy Seal" I had to laugh. I hope it brings a smile to you as well.
I am working on getting ready for the MS 150. I am excited and a little anxtious because the ride is in Oct. and I feel like I am way behind on training. Oh well.....
I got a new bike! I sold my Felt 80 and purchased another one with the money I received from my other bike. I will post pictures later.
Hard to believe that I have been here for almost 5 months working. So many things to work through and so many things to just let go because they are not worth the effort....
More later.....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Orleans Police at its Finest

Just a quick post. Take a look at this article and tell me what you think! Just a little background on some of the comments you will read.

1. In the last two weeks a police officer that was going to retire that day chose to ware a police shirt (old) shirt from previous years and was suspended on his last day for his wearing the wrong color of shirt. The shirt was blue and it should have been black. becasue of his suspension he is not allowed to apply to be on the reserve force for the police department.

2. A New Orleans Police Officer was on his way to work crossing the Causway bridge (24 mile bridge) he was late and so another police (Causway Policeman) tried to pull him over and he tried to ram the police officers car and then when he was leaving the scean he hit the Causway Policeman. The police officer that was late was clocked going in excess of 90 MPH on the bridge.

Now this I tell you it makes you wonder about the Police here in the area.

Read and let me know what you would do in this situation and what would you tell the kids that witnessed this?

Monday, July 14, 2008

How long can you survive

My niece had this on her blog check it out it is pretty interesting. It said that I could survive for 599 days. Not to bad thank heavens for food storage and for a wood shop. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Birthday wish

So just a quick post. I thought all day if I should call and wish this person a happy birthday today. I struggled all day with this and decided that I would send a birthday post. I hope you have/had a great day. Birthdays only come once a year except for me because I use to always tell you it was my birthday everyday. I do hope this year brings you all of your desires and wishes.

You are not forgotten just placed in a location in my heart that I at times allow myself to enter and other times I don't dare go there.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tagged by Baby Joe and HIs Beutiful wife Jessica

I got tagged by baby Joe and his wife Jessica,

10 years ago I was..... sorry I had a senior moment. Just kidding, 10 years ago I was working at Clinical Innovations full time and going to school full time. I could not pass up the opportunity for Uncle Chris's company paid for my education. I ended up only paying 50% books they paid for the rest! What a great company to work for!

5 things on my to do list today
  1. Go on a bike ride. I am trying to get ready for the MS 150 in October. oh wait I did ride this morning on the levee so that is off my list but it was on my list so I am leaving it.
  2. Go grocery shopping - Done
  3. Take out the garbage - Done
  4. Study - Done. Study you might ask what I am studying well I decided to study Thermodynamics. yes a little light gaining of knowledge.
  5. Take a shower and go to the Essence Festival.
If I were a millionaire I would buy a house and travel more. I would really like to go to Australia.

Places I have lived, Texas, Utah, Florida, Connecticut, California and know the beautiful state of Louisiana NOLA ROCKS!

I tag the following people: Amanda, Johnathan, Boo, Monse and Stephanie

Rules of Tagged - Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers.