Saturday, September 20, 2008


At the moment I kind of feel lost and alone! I hope you bare with me. I am sort of feeling out of sorts. Like I am tired and I just don't want to deal. So what do I call this?


I miss going with my sister to go buy a Carmel apple even though we both know it is not good for us.

I miss seeing my nieces and nephews at my mom' s house for Saturday lunch.

I miss having my niece cut and color my hair. I also miss my friend Bri cutting my hair.

I miss taking my nephew Alex for a ride in my convertible as well as my great nieces, Whitney, Sam, Emma and Kate.

I miss going up to my brother Hirams house just to hang out and talk to my brother.

I miss golfing with my brother Hector and my nephew Ryan.

I miss eating my mom's good food.

I miss being babied by my mom when I was not feeling well physically as well as mentaly.

I miss going to lunch with my friend Stephanie.

I miss hanging out at Brianna's house and baking sugar cookies, brownies and just hanging out and having dinner. She made some good meals.

I miss calling my friend Kim and going to a movie and dinner.

I miss going out to Tooele and visit my sister Isa and brother Peter.

I miss....

So what do I do this morning to try and get out of my funk...

GO ON A BIKE RIDE. AFTER ALL THE MS 150 is only 13 days away.

Saturday morning start time..... nothing but ZERO'S

Mississippi river along the levee.

Midway of my ride.


I am still feeling the blues, you would think that after 27.45 miles I would feel better. Maybe after I take my shower and get something to eat I will feel better.



AllisonK said...

We miss you too!

Michelle said...

Keep your head up Nance, here's to having a better day.

Montserrat said...

Hope you can figure out a way to get rid of the blues! Eating chocolate usually helps me to feel better. :D

We love you!

Missy said...

I miss home, too! That's why I love the family blogs so I can feel like I'm not missing out on so much.