Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rainy Day's and Sunday

So I woke up today thinking of my dad so I gave him a call. He asked how things were going and how the weather was. I told him it had rained some yesterday and that I had heard it raining in the night. He asked how the roads were I told him they were fine. Well I think I should have looked out my door before saying that. The roads around my house were rivers. The water was up to mid wheels on my car. I got ready to go to church and had to go through the river. The water was just above my head lights. It was crazy. When I walked out of my house I crossed the road to get to my car, the water was up to my knees. This picture is from across the street from the church. Luckily when church ended the roads were again passable and I was able to make it home. Oh by the way the first thing on my list to buy tomorrow or the next chance I get is an umbrella.

This is a link to an article about the thunderstorm.

By the way happy fathers day to all of you out there.


Michelle said...

I love the rain. Are all your belongings okay?

Karolyn said...

Holy smokes. That's a lot of water. I hope nothing was damaged by you. We keep reading about all of he flooding going on in the midwest too.